District Procedures
Administrative policies are generally approved by the board and impose legal requirements on the district. New policies and policy changes often go through a public reading and comment process before they are adopted.
Procedures, on the other hand, are established by the district administration. Procedures do not require board approval. Procedures that are likely to be controversial may go through a public comment process, although this is not required.
Administrative policies and procedures are related because the procedures outline how school district personnel will implement the policies. If an administrative policy changes, procedures may need to be changed as well.
- 1000--Board of Directors. Policies pertaining to School Board meetings, board member elections and governance.
- 2000--Instruction. Policies pertaining to student learning programs, school organization, and instructional requirements.
- 3000--Students. Policies pertaining to admission and attendance, rights and responsibilities, and student activities.
- 4000--Community Relations. Policies pertaining to communications with the public, public participation in schools, public access to staff and students, and relations with other agencies.
- 5000--Personnel. Policies pertaining to recruitment, hiring, employment, compensation, leaves, and benefits.
- 6000--Management Support. Policies pertaining to financial planning, revenues, purchasing, risk management, transportation, food service, school property, and capital projects.
- 7000--Administrative Procedures