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2022-2023 COVID Guidance

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COVID Guidance 2022-2023

Symptomatic Staff/Students:

Symptomatic staff and students will be required to:  stay home and  be tested upon improvement of symptoms prior to returning to school as we have done in 21-22  Isolation spaces will be available in each school in the event that a symptomatic student is on campus


We will continue to:

  • test symptomatic students as a term of returning o engage in testing in the event of an outbreak o enter all tests into SimpleReport

Optional Masking:

Masks will not be required for staff and students with the exception of

o Adhering to guidelines following COVID infection, and o During an outbreak

Opportunity to Distance:

  •  All persons will have the opportunity to socially distance while participating in all functions of school.

Tracking Cases:

  • Staff will continue to use Google Docs forms to track positive COVID cases
  •  The district will continue to report to the WCHD rates and patterns of infection
  • Individuals testing positive of becoming "presumed positive" will continue to follow WCHD protocols
  • When indicated, we will respond to outbreaks using the current guidance of the WCHD

Changes Due to Expiration of Governor's Emergency Order