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Student Services/Special Education

Our department includes a variety of services and programs designed to meet the unique needs of our students. 

We serve Special Education (see below), Multi Language Learners, Native American Education, Section 504, and McKinney Vento (Homeless families and youth), students in Foster Care and Migrant students, student health needs and families and students in need of resources (clothing, food, transportation, etc.).

Section 504

Native American Education

Multi Language Learners

Ferndale Family Resource Center                           

Our staff is here to help you – please call or email so that we can connect you to the services you need. Please see contact information below.

Wendy Knowlton                  
Student SpEd Records
Early Learning

Pam Jenkins                                                             
Section 504
English Language Learners
Native American Educations   

Trina Hall
Executive Director of Teaching & Learning - Special Education           

Janene Martinez
Inclusionary Specialist, Special Education                       

Kim Bunch
Family Liaison - FRC

What is Special Education?

Ferndale School District’s Special Education Programs serve students with disabilities birth through age 21. We offer a variety of programs that serve each of our students according to their needs, strengths and goals.  Our purpose is to support the development of skills, talents and passions so that each student can thrive in their educational path and beyond to reach  their college, community and life long goals. A student may qualify for services in one of the areas as identified by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Getting Started

Ferndale School District participates in “childfind” awareness and screening activities for the purpose of locating, identifying and evaluating children who are suspected of having disabilities and who may be in need of special education services. A student may also be referred for a special education evaluation by any source, including parents. The referral is to be made in writing and submitted to the building principal or Student Services Department.

The Special Education Process

  1. Referral and Identification
  2. Assessment
  3. Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Frequently Asked Questions