General Paraeducator Certificate
The Paraeducator General Certificate is for all paraeducators who have completed the Fundamental Course of Study.
The General Certificate is awarded after 70 hours of learning, documented with clock hours. Unlike the FCS (Fundamental Course of Study), the General Certificate is not a prescribed sequence of courses.
Any professional learning for which clock hours are awarded can be used toward the general certificate if they are offered on this site or preapproved by a supervising admin. Keep in mind that clock hours offered other places often have fees, which are not paid by the district. However, professional learning offered by Ferndale School District for clock hours are nearly always free of charge.
If you complete district provided professional learning for clock hours during your non-working hours, you can be paid by completing the refection form (below) and signing pay advice provided by your Administrative Assistant.
Each year, paraeducators are expected to complete 14 hours toward the general certificate. Six hours need to be focused on equity. No more than 14 hours can be compensated each year but hours beyond the 14 will count toward the total of 70 required to be completed over 5 years.
Paraeducator Certificates -Professional Certification Information