When Harleen Malli applied for the Student School Board Representative position this spring, she hoped to serve as a voice for students who may not feel comfortable sharing their perspectives to school district leadership.
“To me, a good School Board Student Representative needs to represent your people,” said Malli, a junior at Ferndale High School. “I know a lot of people feel that they can’t speak up, so I want to be the person to speak up for them.”
Malli began her two-year tenure on the Ferndale School Board this summer, joining FHS senior Gabby Lenssen. These two Student Representatives get an advisory vote in Board decisions, and play a critical role by serving as a conduit between Board members and Ferndale students.
And for Malli, that doesn’t just mean high school students. She and Lenssen have already made plans to visit Ferndale’s elementary and middle schools to hear from the district’s youngest students, so they can share those viewpoints with Board members.
“I’m so excited to meet so many different types of students, hearing their opinions, and their perspectives on things,” she said.
Malli has lived in the same Ferndale home for her entire life, attending Cascadia Elementary School and Horizon Middle School before moving up to FHS. She was elected as the high school’s Associated Student Body Vice President for the 2024-25 school year.
Ferndale schools are special because of their diversity and their wide range of extracurriculars and elective classes that students can participate in, Malli said.
“We have so many opportunities for students here, and I just find it so incredible,” she said. “Our CTE (Career and Technical Education) opportunities, all the clubs that we have – there is something for everyone.”
Malli has taken full advantage of those opportunities – she’s on the Golden Eagles girls’ tennis team, participates in National Honors Society and in the FHS South Asian Club, and went to state with the high school DECA team.
Although Malli isn’t sure exactly which college she’ll attend after high school – she’s aiming for either an east coast school or the University of Washington – she plans to study engineering or political science.
“I want to do something that helps people, that’s something I’m really passionate about,” she said.
But for now, Malli is thrilled to start her two-year tenure as a Student School Board Representative.
“I’m excited to bring that passion that I have to the School Board,” she said.
Fun Facts about Harleen Malli
Favorite food: Pizza (“You can put any toppings on it, and you can make it be anything that you want. It’s so versatile!”)
Favorite hobby: Playing tennis
Favorite movie: The Boys in the Boat