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welcome kindergarten and photo of children

Dear kindergarten & Jump Start families, 

I hope that you are enjoying these beautiful August days!  

As we prepare for the rapidly approaching school year there is some important information regarding a change to the first day of Kindergarten this fall that we need to make you aware of. 

Currently our kindergarten and Jump Start students are scheduled to begin school on September 8, 2022. To be compliant with state law and to improve family engagement, Family Connection meetings will now take place from August 31- September 2, and our kinder & Jump Start students' first day will be on the half-day rotation on September 6th. 

During your Family Connection meeting, you will be able to get to know your student’s teacher and the school community. 

While we understand that this may cause scheduling conflicts and that you may have some questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's principal.  

We look forward to welcoming our youngest learners as they enter an exciting time in their learning experience.