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November 19, 2021  

Ferndale School District Seeks Volunteers to Write Statements  

“For” And “Against” Upcoming Levy Measure 


Ferndale, WA. -  The Ferndale School District is seeking potential authors for the voter’s pamphlet statements supporting and opposing an upcoming Ferndale School District levy measure. 

Election regulations require Ferndale School District to solicit members to serve on “for” and “against” committees who want to write statements for the local voters’ pamphlet. The district is soliciting members for the “for” and the “against” committee for the voter’s pamphlet. If you would like the district to consider you for appointment to either committee, please email your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address, to Celina Rodriguez, and indicate which committee you wish to be considered for. 

Additional information from the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office can be found here: